Bacon in Moscow – James Birch

2 min read  ·  08 Feb 2022

HENI Art Club is delighted to announce its next event 'Bacon in Moscow' featuring James Birch.

As a young British curator in 1988, James Birch managed against all odds to mount a ground-breaking retrospective of Francis Bacon's work at the newly refurbished Central House of Artists, Moscow. Side-lined by the British establishment, Birch found himself at the heart of a picaresque cast of Soviet officials, attachés, and politicians under the forbidding eye of the KGB as he attempted to bring an unseen western cultural icon to Russia during the time of 'Glasnost', just before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

James will be joining us at the event in conversation with journalist, broadcaster, writer, and stand-up comedian Rowan Pelling. The two will divulge the intrigue, triumphs, and lows faced throughout James’ journey, making for a funny and insightful telling of this artistic adventure at a time of political upheaval.

Bacon In Moscow, James Birch (2022)

James’ memoir Bacon in Moscow is available to all HENI Art Club members in our eBook library and print copies are available to purchase at a 25% discount from our print book shop.