

1 Minute 1 Work: The Sake-drinking Boy

1 Minute 1 Work: The Sake-drinking Boy

In the 17th century, an unseen demand for prints and illustrated books, especially of entertaining character, emerged in Japan. Series like 'The Sake-drinking Boy' or 'Shutendôji' (ca. 1680) by Hishikawa Moronobu were traded widely and found fervent admirers in the print-hungry audience of the upcoming merchant classes. Today, we still marvel at the accomplished usage of line which artist like Moronobu developed during the early stages of the print movement (Ukiyo-e).

Shantell Martin, best known for her characteristic black-and-white drawings, tells us the legend behind 'The Sake-drinking Boy' and how the storytelling qualities of Moronobu's line inspired her own work.

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