


Nomos Alpha

Nomos Alpha

Koo Jeong A


A collection of 20 drawings by Korean artist Koo Jeong A that recall childlike simplicity yet express subtle underlying complexities.

Nomos Alpha features 20 pen drawings (each 27.5 x 22.5 cm) from the book R, published by Swiss Re in 2006. Conceived on the occasion of the Korean Cultural Centre UK's 2016 Artist of the Year exhibition Koo Jeong A: Riptide (7 October–19 November 2016), Nomos Alpha features the 20 exhibited works by the artist. Curated by Je Yun Moon, Riptide included artistic responses to Koo Jeong A's drawings by Kyung Roh Bannwart, Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson, Yva Jung, Hanqing Ma & Mona Yoo, Martin Roth and Matthias Sohr.

Signed and numbered on a bespoke embossed back cover, the book is published in a limited edition run of 500. Beautifully produced on extra thick paper with a semi-translucent jacket, this little book is a work of art in itself. Koo Jeong A's wonderful, often humorous drawings recall childlike simplicity yet express an underlying complexity.