It includes his sensual and cinematic photographs for VOGUE and designers such as Donna Karan in the 1980s, and his abstract Padièscapes works inspired by his organic sustainable farm in southwest France.
Maeve Gilmore (b.1917, London; d.1983, London) carefully constructed an interior world, replete with Surrealist imagery and centred on portraits of family, placing domestic scenes centre-stage.
On their surface, evanescent silhouettes, barely embedded foliage, and enigmatic lettering come together to whisper stories that have been silenced for too long.
Artist Natalie Toplass' portfolio shares a profound exploration of life's cycles and unconventional beauty in nature.
Nuno Gil: The Invisible Man, 2024 - Acrylic, Indian ink and graphite on paper, embossed leathers, all mounted on canvas. It is very sad to hear of the death of Ian Rosenfeld, the founding spirit of Gallery Rosenfeld, my current Gallery of the Week @worldoffad .