Venue: Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren, Germany
Richard Estes, D-Train (1988), sold for $25,200, more than the low estimate at Wright, Chicago. Screenprint In Colors On Museum Board, 91.0 x 183.0cm. The work has not been traded before.
Pia Arke was an artist with an unusually profound relationship to her medium.
The Pop x Culture auction takes us through decades of creativity from rock’n’roll to punk, and across various disciplines: music, fashion, cinema, graffiti and fine art.
The trajectory from the centuries-old method of a model sitting for a painting, compared to the immediacy of being able to take out your phone and capture yourself with the push of a button, reveals so much about the intersection between technology and art.
RARE STEALS. A curated collection of catches. From the onchain art market. All under 2 ETH. Ft. @jakeinez @0xdgb @kristophershinn @lifewithart @mich_tom @arrogantkei @thompson_nft @chikai0x @emailyedelman @amitsharma.raw. Exclusively on SuperRare.
EPISODE 9: ATTER #HannahRoseStewart. #Odysseyaspace, Cologne. June 29 August 17, 2024. Curation: #AshrafSp. in stories. @6footstranger @odyssey_aspace @ashrafsp. #soloshow #soloexhibition #exhibition #sculpture #installation #contemporaryart #art #ofluxoplatform.