Carla Sozzani, the unofficial (yet unrefuted) doyenne of Milan’s fashion and arts scene, has long confessed to a passion for paper – so much so that in 1988 she founded her own publishing imprint, Carla Sozzani Editore.
Goldfinch, Chicago presents a group show legacy as lexicon: a stand-in for my voice, January 25 until March 08.
Lêna Bùi is now represented by Galerie Urs Meile .
Josh Lilley presents Heavy is the Mountain, a new solo exhibition by British painter Ryan Mosley (b.
In the Netherlands, where I conceived this text while moving between Kyiv, Maastricht, and Rotterdam (a surreal spectrum of contrasts: from the violence of war to a queer utopia bridged by 30 hours of travel), being queer means being proud and visible.
Arte al Día is a medium specialized in Latin American art with a trajectory of more than forty years.
For the rest of us, the exhibition provides a snapshot of what’s on the minds of the next generation of artists: environmentalism, if, say, Tom Fairlamb’s installation of twitching motorised model minnows, in this year’s show, is anything to go by; likewise, a more surprising interest in rituals and the folklore of the British Isles.