Five Artists in the Seoul Spotlight: Lee Bul Is In Demand, A $1.5m Yoo Youngkuk Snapped Up and Anika Yi Dazzles

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Five Artists in the Seoul Spotlight: Lee Bul Is In Demand, A $1.5m Yoo Youngkuk Snapped Up and Anika Yi Dazzles

3 min read  ·  05 Sep 2024

Anicka Yi, Another You (2024). Copyright the artist. Courtesy Leeum Museum of Art


Two works by Lee Bul, the in demand South Korean artist, sold at Lehmann Maupin’s booth for $210,000 and $190,000 on Frieze Seoul’s opening day. But initially “the buzz was louder than sales were strong" at the fair, reports The Art Newspaper.


A painting by Nicolas Party, who has a solo exhibition at Hoam Art Museum, near Seoul, was snapped up at Hauser & Wirth’s booth as Frieze, Kiaf Seoul starts off in “cautious mode”, reports Korea Herald.


A Yoo Youngkuk painting was sold for $1.5m by PKM Gallery, leading the early big-ticket sales at the fair, Artsy reports.


Anicka Yi’s solo show opens at Leeum Museum of Art, featuring eye-catching new works plus her Kelp Pods first shown in Venice, reports Ocula.


Lee Kang-So has joined Thaddaeus Ropac, which plans the veteran Korean artist’s first show with the gallery in its Seoul space in spring 2025.

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- Art Unplugged