1 min read · 14 Apr 2023
ONE: Union of the Senses, 2014, One World Trade Center, Manhattan. Courtesy and copyright José Parlá
Parlá's paintings and murals are characterized by their colorful, expressive style and intricate layers, incorporating elements of calligraphy, graffiti and abstract expressionism.
Parlá’s HENI Score increased by an impressive 97% after his solo show at the Library Street Collective in Detroit and exhibition “Breathing” at the Gana Art Center in Seoul. His large-scale paintings are now on show at the Brooklyn Museum’s Beaux-Arts Court (until 23 August). To keep up with news about the artist, see Parlá’s HENI Dashboard.
Recently, Parlá's The Myth Seekers (2020) sold for $100,800 at Christie's, New York, for the estimated price. Chinatown Chronicle (2008) sold for just below its estimate at Phillips, Hong Kong.
Born in Miami in 1973, the Cuban-American has lived and worked in many parts of the world, including Puerto Rico. He is now based in Brooklyn. In a recent New York Times’ interview, he revealed that his doctors doubted he would be able to paint again. He suffered a stroke and spent weeks in a coma due to Covid.
He is best known for his energetic works, often on a large scale, such as his 90-foot mural ONE: Union of the Senses (2014) in the lobby of One World Trade Center, New York.