Collages: A Discussion Between Brian Clarke and Hans Ulrich Obrist

2 min read  ·  06 Jul 2023

Collages: A Discussion Between Brian Clarke and Hans Ulrich Obrist

Discover the medium of collage with one of its greatest artists in HENI Talks’ newest film ‘Collages: A Discussion Between Brian Clarke and Hans Ulrich Obrist’. Acclaimed British artist Brian Clarke hosts world-renowned curator and Artistic Director of the Serpentine Galleries Hans Ulrich Obrist at his home to discuss this versatile art form’s history and its special significance to his practice.

Collage has played an important role in Clarke’s art and life since he was a child: even the very first page of his art school sketchbook is graced with a collage he made at age 14. As a young artist studying and creating in the 1960s, Clarke was deeply impacted by collage’s rise to prominence with the emergence of the Pop Art movement, experiencing works by Andy Warhol and Richard Hamilton at a crucial stage in his life. Clarke lends unique insight into having witnessed this watershed moment where art no longer needed to come directly from the artist’s hand. Instead, collage transformed art into an engagement between the artist and the world around them.

Experience this highly personal aspect of collage in Clarke’s artistic practice, as he discusses how the medium has grown and changed alongside him as. Clarke discusses the fundamentally improvisational aspect of collage and its deep connection to the artist’s unique visual language. For him, it has always worked in tandem with his world-renowned stained glass practice, serving as the medium through which he executed some of his earliest stained glass designs as a teenager.

Gain exclusive insight into Clarke’s latest series titled ‘Collages’, as he and Ulrich Obrist discuss both the techniques and deeper meanings behind these vibrant works. Clarke divulges the significance of flowers and natural motifs to his practice and reveals an almost spiritual connection between these themes and the medium of collage. Learn how these stunning new artworks are closely intertwined with Clarke’s stained glass pieces as he walks Ulrich Obrist through his methods.

Explore the versatility and beauty of collage in this intimate conversation between two greats of the art world, gaining an exclusive glimpse into the techniques and vision of one of its greatest artists.