Public Art Trailer
HENI Talks is proud to announce the upcoming launch of a new series exploring the world of public art. This series shines a light on the diverse range of outdoor public sculptures across the UK.
Join us as we uncover the fascinating stories of these works, guided by a group of experts who will provide insightful commentary and analysis. This series promises to offer a new perspective on the familiar, as well as uncovering hidden gems in public art.
Time Period:
Hans Ulrich Obrist visits Etel Adnan
A spirited conversation between two friends, curator Hans Ulrich Obrist and artist Etel Adnan.
The Romance of Bricks
An intimate 65-minute portrait of the artist Liz Finch by filmmaker Nichola Bruce.
Dazzled! How a British artist transformed the seas of WWI
Dr James Fox tells us how artist Norman Wilkinson came up with a dazzling solution to protect Britain’s navy from the enemy in WWI.
A spirited conversation between two friends, curator Hans Ulrich Obrist and artist Etel Adnan.
An intimate 65-minute portrait of the artist Liz Finch by filmmaker Nichola Bruce.
Dr James Fox tells us how artist Norman Wilkinson came up with a dazzling solution to protect Britain’s navy from the enemy in WWI.
Gus Casely-Hayford explores the ways in which Asafo Flags play a vital role in defining Fante identity and history.
Paul Binski describes how the apotheosis of English medieval decoration fell victim to 'hammer happy' religious reformers.
Discover the origins and evolution of Bridget Riley’s spectacular practice.