Almost half a century after FESTAC, Nigeria’s artistic landscape is ever-more dynamic and vibrant, revealing a fusion of its rich history, community, and unyielding resilience.
From Dec. 20, 2024, to April 7, 2025, the National Archaeological Museum in Florence will offer the exhibition Visions of Etruscan Myths and Rituals in Florence, curated by Daniele Federico Maras, an Etruscologist and director of the museum.
“Abstract: An Artist’s Journey II” is filled with breathtaking works – unique mixes of solo, diptych and triptych compositions reflecting Paraghamian’s journey as an artist.
As we are still gathering applications for Singulart Prize 2025 we thought this would be a good time to reflect on the Singulart Award 2024 and its focus on the “Limited Editions.” The Singulart team is honored to have Victor Bramsen, one of last year’s distinguished jurors, and Singulart partners, join us for an interview in this article.
Plus, David Tremlett's murals find a home in a former Italian monastery, and Sarah Staudinger buys Carolyn Bessette Kennedy's Sotheby's lot.
Collectives have played an influential role in the history of Indonesian art, from the 1930s, when the twenty-member PERSAGI, or Persatuan Ahli-Ahli Gambar Indonesia (Union of Indonesian Painters), boldly declared a nationalist, anti-colonial agenda, to the now-famous ruangrupa, whose methods of resource-sharing and knowledge-building have become influential touchstones for a more egalitarian art world.
Sir Peter Blake, with his unmistakable bowler hat and twinkling eyes, is the latter—a man who doesn’t just