Highlights of the Outsider Art Fair range from Morton Bartlett's photographs of the dolls he sculpted and dressed up at Marion Harris, works by Brazilian self-taught artists and Gerard Cambon's small clay figures at Galerie Pol Lemétais.
Instead of relying on conventional advertising formats, it introduces billboard-greenhouses that extend exhibitions into the public realm.
Lying in her bed, she tries to stitch the fragments of her belly back together, like she does in the studio while building her giant flowers.
The exhibition chronicles the evolution of royal portrait photography from the 1920s until the coronation of the King in 2023, with more than 90 prints, proofs and documents from the Royal Collection and the Royal Archives.
Invader, CAZ-11 (2007), sold for $31,800, more than five times the low estimate at Julien's Auctions. Tile Mosaic, 35.56 x 43.18cm.