Revisiting historical efforts, from reportage and Soviet factography to the Farm Security Administration, the San Diego Group arrived at their own strategies of generating critical distance: photographing according to fixed parameters, recontextualizing images, framing them with text.
By SIMONETTA MORO November 25, 2024
Banksy, Flower Thrower Triptych (Grey) (2019), $125,800 to $188,800 estimate, is due to be sold at Phillips Evening & Day Editions Auction in Online on January 23, 2025. Screenprinted Triptych In Colours, On Recycled Card, The Full Sheets., 107.0 x 195.0cm. The work has been traded once in the past.
Frederic Remington, The Broncho Buster, $250,000 to $350,000 estimate is due to be sold at Sotheby's Art of the Americas, Featuring the American West Auction in New York on January 24, 2025. Bronze. The work has been traded 5 times in the past.
Beached, 2016 - 2024, 81 1/2 x 76 1/2 inches, Acrylic and found objects on luan, Image courtesy of A Hug From The Art World, New York, NY.
Mural conservators in Boston are working to uncover 20 angels hidden for more than a century underneath layers of paint at the church attended by Paul Revere — just months before the 250th anniversary of the patriot’s historic ride.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the GREATEST Louise Bourgeois Born on this day 113 years ago. Some wisdom:. "Every day you have to abandon your past or accept it, and then, if you cannot accept it, you become a sculptor.