This woman recently confessed that during a school trip more than 20 years ago, she pocketed an original Egyptian relic and hasn't told a soul about it ever since.
Her patient renderings on her massive wall-like canvases, which she first started in 2008, have expanded to some two hundred paintings; each one seeks to limn the possibilities of surfaces within a strict schema, while the artist through her labor carves out time into visible volume.
Arte al Día is a medium specialized in Latin American art with a trajectory of more than forty years.
Dziga Vertov (still), Man With A Movie Camera, 1929.
Two of the main associations that gather Italian art market players, ANGAMC and Gruppo Apollo, say in no uncertain terms that failure to reduce VAT and limits on circulation threaten to deal the death blow to the Italian market.
In this virtual interview with Veenu Sandhu, he discusses the Met’s commitment to Indian art, the evolving discourse on cultural heritage and repatriation, and the museum’s growing engagement with Indian collectors and patrons.
Best known for her transgressive photomontages, the Hayward Gallery will celebrate an eclectic half-century