Five Artists in the News: Remembering Bill Viola, When Diego Rivera Painted Frida Kahlo and Amanda Wall’s Super Cool Portraits

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Five Artists in the News: Remembering Bill Viola, When Diego Rivera Painted Frida Kahlo and Amanda Wall’s Super Cool Portraits

3 min read  ·  15 Jul 2024

Bill Viola, Ascension (2000). Courtesy the artist's estate.

Los Angeles: Bill Viola, the video artist who channeled the Renaissance has died. He was 73 and been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

Profile: Amanda Wall, a model and creative director turned visual artist, has seen her HENI Score surge 177% as her portraits of body-conscious young women are in demand. HENI News

Shows: Yoshitomo Nara's solo show has opened at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum. It is the Japanese artist’s first major European survey.

Los Angeles: Digitised photographs of Diego Rivera and Frida Rivera taken in 1935 have helped LACMA redate Rivera’s portrait of his wife in the museum’s collection, the LA Times reports.

Shows: Olafur Eliasson is the guest artist of the file transfer company WeTransfer, Surface magazine reports.

In other news

Tokyo: Collector Kankuro Ueshima has opened a private museum in a high-rise in the buzzy Shibuya district, The Japan News reports.

"'I see it regularly, almost constantly, in my mind and my mind’s eyes. It was a kind of paradise. So I felt that was the real world,' Bill Viola told Louisiana Chanel about nearly drowning in a lake when he was six years old. "

- The New York Times