Five Artists in the News: Watch Jeff Koons’ Moons Land Via NASA TV, Banksy Leads Elton John's Auction, Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre Join Forces and Miranda July Is Falling Apart

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Five Artists in the News: Watch Jeff Koons’ Moons Land Via NASA TV, Banksy Leads Elton John's Auction, Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre Join Forces and Miranda July Is Falling Apart

3 min read  ·  22 Feb 2024

David LaChapelle, A NEON 'HORNY?!' SIGN (2003), sold for $26,500, or 2,500% above the low estimate, in the Sir Elton John Collection auction in New York. Copyright the artist. Courtesy of Christie’s

David LaChapelle, A NEON 'HORNY?!' SIGN (2003), sold for $26,500, or 2,500% above the low estimate, in the Sir Elton John Collection auction in New York. Copyright the artist. Courtesy of Christie’s

Jeff Koons' mini Moons sculptures are on course to touch down on the Moon on board the Odysseus lunar lander on February 22. NASA is live-streaming the landing in what looks set to be a giant leap for art (and brand Koons). HENI News

Elton John’s Banksy and the collector's David LaChapelle were among the 87% of lots selling above their low estimate at Christie's in New York. For the highlights of the star-studded $6.25m sale, see the HENI News auction report.

John Giorno's estate is now represented in the Americas by Kurimanzutto. The Mexico-city based gallery will present a solo exhibition in March in its New York space exploring the late artist's Buddhist inspiration.

Works by Hilary Pecis, Rashid Johnson and Ed Ruscha among others go on sale at Sotheby’s in Los Angeles during Frieze LA week. Music mogul Jimmy Iovine’s and musician Dr Dre’s high-profile charity auction will raise funds for high-school education.

Miranda July’s first museum exhibition will be presented by Fondazione Prada in Milan in March. The show sees the debut of F.A.M.I.L.Y. (Falling Apart Meanwhile I Love You), a new video installation featuring July’s year-long collaboration with seven performers via Instagram, Arte el Dia reports.