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Five Female Artists in Mexico City Spotlight: Michelle Grabner and Eleanor Anderson's double act, Sophie Barber's Frida Kahlo birthday surprise and Daniela García Hamilton keeps it in the family

3 min read  ·  08 Feb 2024

Daniela Garcia Hamilton presented by Residency Art Gallery, Los Angeles, at Material 2024

Daniela Garcia Hamilton presented by Residency Art Gallery, Los Angeles, at Material 2024

Michelle Grabner, artist, critic, curator and Guggenheim fellow, presents her high-concept, homespun sculpture in a two-artist booth with conceptual rag rugs by Eleanor Anderson. The combination makes for a strong debut by Abattoir of Cleveland at Material art fair in Mexico City.

Daniela García Hamilton, a LA young painter who teaches art in a high school as her day job, is showing vibrant, embroidered paintings based on her Mexican-American family's snapshots at Residency Art Gallery's booth. The solo show on the booth of the artist-run space in Inglewood, Los Angeles, was creating a buzz among collectors seeking out new talent in Mexico City.

Aurora Pellizzi, a Mexican artist who dives deep into history and anthropology, is showing a totem-like figure fashioned from traditional-style fabric, a plastic bucket and broom heads on the booth of Instituto de Vision of Bogota and New York's Lower East Side. The artist is currently showing a monumental textile work at MARCO, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, in Monterrey.

Sophie Barber's intimate tribute to Mexico's greatest female artist, Frida Kahlo, in the form a painted slice of birthday cake, is a talking points at Chris Sharp Gallery at Material. The British artist's LA-based gallery plans to follow up with another solo show at Felix LA fair, promising supersized works that riff of artists as celebrities.