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Five Artists in the News: Ellsworth Kelly’s Trip to Giverny, Maurizio Cattelan Gets a Lawyer’s Letter and Why Antony Gormley Loves NYC

3 min read  ·  09 May 2024

Ellsworth Kelly photographed by Jack Shear in 1988. Copyright Ellsworth Kelly Foundation and Jack Shear, Courtesy of Ellsworth Kelly Studio.

Paris: A major Ellsworth Kelly show has just opened at the Fondation Louis Vuitton. The US artist was inspired by a visit to Monet's garden at Giverny although “It’s not monochromatic at all,” Jack Shear, his partner who now runs the artist’s foundation, tells W Magazine.

Los Angeles: Walter Price has joined David Zwirner. His paintings will feature in the gallery’s inaugural group show in its LA space, followed by a solo show there, ARTnews reports.

New York: Maurizio Cattelan gets a lawyer’s letter asking if he was inspired to make his bullet riddled golden wall after seeing Anthony James’s "Bullet Paintings", examples of which are also now on show in NYC, Artnet News reports.

Jo’burg: Lindokuhle Sobekwa, a Magnum photographer, is now represented by Goodman Gallery.

Hong Kong: Wong Kit-yisays that sitting on Donald Judd’s “uncomfortable” furniture in Marfa was inspirational, she tells the South China Morning Post. The artist experienced them while on a residency at Marfa, west Texas, Judd’s epic art museum and home.

"‘I want New Yorkers to feel that their rooms have antennae,’ Antony Gormley talks about his sculpture Aerial and how it relates to Manhattan's concrete jungle. On view at White Cube, New York."

- Observer