Vernon Fisher's Auction Record Jumps 74%

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Vernon Fisher's Auction Record Jumps 74%

3 min read  ·  01 Oct 2024

Scenes from the American West. Image courtesy of Rago / Wright / Los Angeles Modern Auctions (LAMA)

Scenes from the American West. Image courtesy of Rago / Wright / Los Angeles Modern Auctions (LAMA)

Vernon Fisher, Scenes from the American West (1986) sold for $56,700, more than nine times the low estimate at Rago / Wright / Los Angeles Modern Auctions (LAMA) in United States on September 27.

The sale beat the artist’s previous auction record by $24,200, a 74% rise.

Meditations in Cezanne. Image courtesy of Sotheby's

Meditations in Cezanne. Image courtesy of Sotheby's

The previous record was set by Meditations in Cezanne (Undated), which sold for $32,500 at Sotheby's on November 09, 1989.

Sale DateTitlePriceRecord IncreaseVenueCity
2024-09-27Scenes from the American West$56,70074 %Rago / Wright / Los Angeles Modern Auctions (LAMA)United States
1989-11-09Meditations in Cezanne$32,500-Sotheby'sNew York