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Five Artists in the News: The infatigable Jim Dine, a Rebecca Horn and Liliane Lijn double bill, Teddy Sandoval, a Queer Chicano in Hollywood and arise Sir Brian Clarke

3 min read  ·  03 Jan 2024

Rebecca Horn, Schneterling (1990). Copyright the artist, image by Peter Raue

Rebecca Horn, Schneterling (1990). Copyright the artist, image by Peter Raue


Rebecca Horn and Liliane Lijn solo shows head to the Haus der Kunst. The prestigious art gallery in Munich has announced two, large-scale surveys of the veteran female artists’ work, both of which are due to open in April, FAD Magazine reports.


Jim Dine is 88 years old but the US artist has no intention of slowing down, he tells the Observer. Dine is busy casting 24 bronze sculptures for his solo show in Venice. Meanwhile, his gift of portraits to Bowdoin College go on show at its Museum of Art.


An ambitious show at the Vincent Price Museum in Los Angeles sheds light on the late queer Chicano artist Teddy Sandoval and the raucous 1970s gay bar on Sunset Boulevard he immortalized, Artillery Magazine reports.


Alexis Smith, a pioneer of art fusing image and text, has died aged 74. Born Patti Smith, a name she disliked, she was interested in the Hollywood tradition of reinvention, literally, notes The Los Angeles Times.


Brian Clarke says he was “surprised and delighted” to hear of his knighthood for service in the New Year Honours List, PA reports.

In Other News

The Frick Collection will be seeking a new director after Ian Wardropper announced he was stepping down in The New York Times. During his 14 years at the helm, he oversaw the New York museum’s controversial expansion, a temporary move to the Breuer building and hung contemporary artists, such as Barkley L. Hendricks, among the Old Masters.